Tour Rules ! !

Don't play a disc by a band that someone else in the vehicle already knows and hates. You don't subject me to Tom Waits, I don't subject you to Obituary, we don't subject each other to to ELO and so on. You wanna expose me to this music that you really think I should appreciate but I just don't seem to get it? That's fine, but do it some other time, not when we're sitting on top of each other for hours on end. If somebody hates it, turn it off and play some Fugazi or something.

And the counterpart to this rule...

Don't be a little bitch and poo-poo albums that you just sorta don't like. Save it for music you really can't stand. Choose your battles, don't be the guy who bitches about everything.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Tour Rules ! !

DrAwkward wrote:Also, trust that your drummer knows how far it is to the next gig and isn't gonna fuck things up by trying to nail that hot 20-year-old, god dammit

You totally had time to nail that 20 year old, and I encourge this behavior... we sat around for about 6 hours waiting for that show...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

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