movie: Idiocracy
61I saw this when it came out in some district of Chicago as my one and only American Cinema-going experience. It was cheap night which equals tons of free popcorn and a packed house of people chatting on their phones.
Moderator: Greg
honeyisfunny wrote:I saw this when it came out in some district of Chicago as my one and only American Cinema-going experience. It was cheap night which equals tons of free popcorn and a packed house of people chatting on their phones.
Pure L wrote:I get shocked whenever I use my table saw while barefooted.
LutherBlissett wrote:But mistaking a stupid movie for a smart one is dumb.
ben wrote:I tend to get a little cynical in social situations where I see large groups of people enjoying themselves.
scntfc wrote:why can't it be both? why can't a totally dumb movie (which this obviously is), say some smart things?
scntfc wrote:why is south park the most socially insightful show on television?
LutherBlissett wrote:Nevermind...
scntfc wrote:i think you're overestimating your typical american "stupid mike judge comedy" viewer. in general, americans are fucking ignorant and completely oblivious to even the most basic commentary in idiocracy. using your definition of smart (has to show insight, can't be obvious or simple) in relation to that demographic then there's plenty of smarts to go around. i'd guess that 95% of americans have never even thought about how mainstream media and advertising dumbs down the populace, so that's "smart". obvious to me, obvious to you, but not obvious to most people. take that premise, couch it in a bunch of base, dumb, lowest common denominator humor, and maybe just maybe someone will 'get it'.
scntfc wrote:
and if there is a show that you think deals more with contemporary social and political issues than south park, then i'd love to know what it is (i'm not doubting you, i'd really like to know). i don't even particularly like the show, but i give credit where credit is due...those dudes take on plenty of issues that no one else will touch with a ten foot pole (the issue of portrayal of muhammed comes to mind).
LutherBlissett wrote:Your argument is that if you're stupid and ignorant, like the "average" American, Idiocracy is a smart movie.
LutherBlissett wrote:satirical panache
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