How does this new style rub you?

The Right Way
Total votes: 13 (59%)
The Wrong Way (No votes)
It's Reznor, so I don't really care.
Total votes: 9 (41%)
Total votes: 22

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

C'mon the guy is being smart. So what if he made a lot of money before in the corporate mainstream. Can you really fault him? He made it. What's the big deal?

And now he's doing the smart thing and cutting out the suits. Good for him. What's crazy is that all rockstars aren't doing this.

Maybe I missed the part where he was being all "above it all". I'm not really paying that much attention.

And also I like RED. Is there something I missed with these guys? They seem like good people to me.

Please educate me.

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

givemenoughrope wrote:Steve, if everyone was an amateur or dabbler in music, do you think that we'd have Bartok or Raymond Scott or Duke Ellington? Les Paul? Those guys worked on their music 24/7 and had no choice but to try to make a living from it. No one who is dabbling is going to advance music like they did. Maybe i'm missing what you are saying..?

Those people all had some kind of patronage market to work. If such a market didn't exist, then no, those particular people wouldn't have done it that way. They could still have done it.

I use the non-patronized geniuses like Conlon Nancarrow, Harry Partch and the underground rock scenes to point out that one doesn't need a pre-existing external support network in order to eventually make a lasting body of work.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

steve wrote:Those people all had some kind of patronage market to work. If such a market didn't exist, then no, those particular people wouldn't have done it that way. They could still have done it.

I use the non-patronized geniuses like Conlon Nancarrow, Harry Partch and the underground rock scenes to point out that one doesn't need a pre-existing external support network in order to eventually make a lasting body of work.

By patronage market, do you mean grants or does that include selling records via a major? It looks like Partch received some grants and Nancarrow the MacArthur late in his life...not like it matters. Even if all of these people mentioned were handed a million dollars a year (or nothing) from wherever, judging by their personalities they still would have been doing music 24/7. So, yes, I agree.

I guess I just take issue with the words 'dabbler' or 'amateur'. It seems like your typical pop star for whom the actual music takes a backseat to almost everything else dabbles in music. Someone who pulls their mind out over a score or plays 30 towns in a month is more than a dabbler. They're possessed; grant money/profit or not.

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