who got their My Bloody Valentine tickets?

[High ticket prices] + [a long-standing group that seldom performs live] does not necessarily guarantee a bad experience (see: Kraftwerk, who were worth it) so I'm going, despite the venue.

Is it possible that a "beyond state-of-the-art" (sic) sound system could perceptibly mitigate the Aragon's bad acoustics, especially if the main thing about MBV's live sound is that it's insanely loud? Tinnitus ahoy.

I'd like this show not to be a total museum piece -- it'd be nice if they broke out (for example) some of the post-Loveless material that was scrapped, maybe -- but I'm glad to have a chance to hear MBV songs played live in any case.
Last edited by ctrl-s_Archive on Mon May 12, 2008 12:10 am, edited 3 times in total.

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