JUGGALO ALERT! Insane Clown Posse vandals strike Lynden

Rodabod wrote: Most of us had a bad childhood, and our ages range from pre-teen to senior citizens.

senior citizens?


senior citizens?

someone who has lived a very long life and hopefully has the wisdom that comes with living a long life a Juggalow?


this can't be true can it???
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

JUGGALO ALERT! Insane Clown Posse vandals strike Lynden

I'm pretty sure J. Burns, of Police Teeth indifference, knows of this Lance Blaze Juggalo -- as in went to the same school as him, or had the bad fortune to be directly exposed to this guy. Probably has a few stories to tell.

For my part, I've seen Lance at a park in Bellingham with his scuzzy, food-mouthed kids running around (their sopped diapers hanging off their asses), while Lance chain-smoked cigarettes and sauntered around like a bantam peacock with a tattooed paunch.

How do guys like that get laid in the first place?
There's a Big Heap of Trash at the End of the Rainbow

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