chauncey wrote:Read the book of Job.
My favorite Book in the Bible!
We are cursed, as is the ground we walk on.
Christ was here for redemption - to redeem the world. One day it will be redeemed and the meek will inherit the earth, but not as it is now, it will be a much finer home than it is now.
Hold on there, my friend. You just hold on a minute, pilgrim. Why all this focus on the Second Coming? This is something I never understand.
Wasn't the first one good enough?
Let's look at the visit Jesus has already made. It was a pretty good one. Did he want you to be cursed? Did Jesus want pain and suffering? He was a healer, above all. He cured non-believers, too. How could such a healer as Jesus want you to suffer and be cursed?
Cure of centurion's son Mt 8:5-13 Lk 7:1-10 Jn 4:46-54
Cure of a demoniac Mk 1:23-28 Lk 4:33-37
Peter's mother-in-law Mt 8:14-15 Mk 1:29-31 Lk 4:38-39
A leper Mt 8:1-4 Mk 1:40-45 Lk 5:12-19
A paralytic Mt 9:1-8 Mk 1:40-45 Lk 4:12-19
on and on and on...*
If both we and this land are cursed, what did Jesus die for?
*This first visit was good enough. Jesus wanted to heal in this world as it stands now. He was not waiting for his Second Coming to make this world better.
Cure of a sick man at Bethesda
Healing of a man's withered hand
Raising of the son of the widow of Nain
Healing of a blind and dumb demoniac
Expulsion of demons in Gadara
Raising (curing) of Jairus' daughter
Healing of a woman with a hemorrhage
Restoration of two men's sight
Healing of a mute demoniac
Feeding of the 5000
Exorcism of a Canaanite (Syro-Phoenecian) woman
Healing of a deaf-mute
Feeding of the 4000
Restoration of a man's sight at Bethsaida
Exorcism of a possessed boy
Healing of the blind man Bartimaus
Healing of large numbers of crippled, blind and mute
Healing of a woman on the Sabbath
Raising of Lazarus from the dead
Healing of a man with dropsy
Healing of ten lepers
Healing of two blind men at Jericho
Healing of High Priest's servant's ear