EA member dreams

Rick Reuben wrote: I don't think the human brain generates visuals from a total data vacuum. I just don't.

Maybe not. But eyes from one person, nose from another and so on...

Are you saying that a painter will only be able to paint faces that he has previously seen in the real world? If a conscious mind can put an image together from the basic elements that make up a face then I'm damn sure a unconscious mind can.

And aside from faces, I've have seen some fucked up shit in my dreams I ain't ever seen on no TV, let alone real life.

EA member dreams

I had a dream one night I was going to go to Chicago with a friend of mine and he kept asking me what we were going to do, and so I went to post on this very forum. The board was down and my friend told me to "call it."

So I went to my phonebook, not in my cell phone but my actual yellow-paged phonebook, and scrolled through a page with every EA username. I dialed steve after looking at every name. Except the phone didn't ring. It sounded like a dial-up modem.

And that was that.

EA member dreams

I had a really cool and weird dream last night. I remembered it for a short while after waking up, but it's now gone. Bob Weston and a juggalo was involved.

I remember one thing: being in an elevator with a about 6'7'', fat as hell jugallo. He was so big I was pressed to the wall cause there was no space. I thought that it wouldn't be fun waiting like that for the rescue, if we get stuck between floors because of his weight. He pressed the button, and we started going up but the elevator was making weird noises. "No good" I thought and asked him if he could use "emergency go to the first floor button" (wtf) so we don't fall down. He did, and I left the elevator.

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