chauncey wrote:When I talk of soul, I don't mean the mind and the mechanics of the brain. I mean the whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. The bits that are more than just kill or be killed, continuation of the species type stuff. To boil it down, the ability to behave out of love for another that has nothing to do with any self-preservation instinct, it's the sacrifice of one's own self for another. What is behind that?
Those are thoughts. They are the things that run through your mind. Which is made of the activity in your brain. You say the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; I disagree. I say the whole is the sum of its parts.
Where did this sense of right and wrong come from for you?
I figured it out over time, just like everyone.
If its all just gradual change, then your concept of morality is gradually changing until the day you perish, right?
Yes, and I pity anyone who couldn't have his heart opened by experience and knowledge as he lives and grows.
I was acquired by God, not the other way around. That is why I am still here and taking joy in each day that I have breath in my lungs until my physical frame collapses or is run over by a truck. I am not afraid of that, because death and the after is not an unknown for me.
Death is by definition unknown to anyone still alive. I am perfectly happy with that, and I suspect that the important part of my existence is the part I control while I am alive. Actually, I suspect there is nothing more, but as I've said, I don't know. I'd say it's about a million to one against there being anything else, but I don't "know."
With that on my mind, I take every minute here on earth as an important one. I don't have thoughts of eternity to comfort me, and I believe they would be illusory if I did. I must get on with it, do things and be good while I can.
Those who would live their lives in preparation for eternity are creating a bizarre double-standard: The earthly existence isn't important enough to enjoy for its own sake (these are worldly things), yet one's behavior here -- even a mistake -- is enough to damn one to Hell for all eternity.
This is a sick theology.