Help me find this transistor

I searched away, but found nothing of use.

I am looking for some Phillips AC127/01 NPN Germanium transistors for a project I am working on.

Unfortunately, the only place I have found them only sells them as part of an effects pedal kit. I do not want the whole damn kit just for its transistors.

Does anyone on here know where I can find some? Or could anyone recommend a suitable alternative that is more readily available?

Help me find this transistor

o_d_m wrote:I am looking for some Phillips AC127/01 NPN Germanium transistors for a project I am working on.
If you are intending this for an effects pedal I may have a suggestion.

The only reason germanium transistors are used these days is because of the low forward breakdown voltage of germanium (less than .2 volts) and the associated non-linear distortion characteristics. Because this is due to the qualities of germanium, nearly all germanium transistors respond the same in non-demanding applications such as audio. (Most silicon transistors have a forward breakdown of .6 or .7 volts and a very different set of non-linear distortions).

Most of the parameters required of a transistor usually apply to specialized purposes that require high frequency response, high power, high gain or something like that. What differentiates one transistor from the next is that it was preselected for those particular characteristics as much as it was designed for them. For instance, if it doesn't meet a high frequency spec for radio it becomes relabeled as an audio transistor.

What this means is in a non-critical application such as audio, and especially audio distortion effects, nearly every small signal germanium transistor will meet or exceed the specs required.

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