Vista Compatible?

Hey guys,

I just bought a new laptop with Vista. I installed my Mackie Satellite and when I assign it as the default in the audio settings, I cant hear any sound. When I click the test button in Vista, there is no sound. It says on the Mackie site that they have no drivers for Vista yet but some guys are getting it to work with the XP drivers. Am I doing something wrong?

Vista Compatible?

When I open Amplitube 2 as a standalone application, it works. Does this not mean the guitar signal is going through the Satellite firwire and into the laptop? Does it not have to be vista compatible to do that?

I read on the Mackie forum about how ignorant and incompetent Mackie are being about it and there are still no sign of Vista drivers, but some are saying their Satellite works, just with a few gliches now and then.

Another thing is, when I play a song on youtube or something, there is no sound at all, but the video plays for a few seconds and then freezes. When I plug out my Satellite, the video plays the whole way through. Is this all down to the lack of Vista drivers?

Vista Compatible?



I use xp on my recording machine. Vista is a ram hog anyway so You will better performance out of a stable xp rather than vista. Using the newest OS is not the best in many cases and is a manipulation by the market so the computer impaired will just buy buy buy buy buy. Vista should still not have been released until this day. Its still not stable enough.

Microsoft works----------oxymoron

Vista Compatible?

2207 wrote:Can you not run the old software as backwards compatible? I seem to remember that you can run software as XP compatible. I'm sure I haven't imagined that. Just can't remember how to do it.

It's a program execution option. I think if you right-click on the EXE and go to properties you'll see them.

And, just for everyone's information, drivers are nearly always written by hardware manufacturers not Apple or Microsoft or whoever makes your operating system. [Exceptions would be the generic drivers for keyboards, VGA mode display adapters, etc.] If your drivers suck or your OS becomes unstable after installing a particular driver, it can be directly traced to your hardware manufacturer doing a shit job. Coupled with the fact that drivers usually run at a fairly exalted level in terms of privileges, this is why most "OS" problems wind up being driver problems.


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