Frank Zappa?

Total votes: 44 (41%)
Total votes: 63 (59%)
Total votes: 107

Artist: Frank Zappa

Yeah... some discussion of music, finally. I noticed a discussion of polyrhythms came up. Glad to see the vote going in favor of Zappa being crap now. Seems appropriate to me seeing stuff like Cock-toe Twins coming up in Crap/Not Crap, as if the topics were defined by David Kendall himself!

I've decided that the less people that are aware of Zappa's genius, the better. And for some reason, I'm comforted that a board that thinks so highly of 80's mainstream alternative music is so dismissive of Frank Zappa. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Now go rent "Does Humor Belong in Music" and play frisbee with your dog using the DVD. Or, I guess the cat is favored. Makes sense.

Also glad to see the fervent discussion in my absense. Sorry. I was out drinking, fornicating, and enjoying green tea this weekend. Also got Trading Balloons and Sever Roots from a very nice man in Chicago.

Now are they all singing "da da da da da..." or "na na na na na..."? I would hope for "da da". But then again, who cares about that, or art. Rational is good.

Artist: Frank Zappa

Hot Rats? Indeed! Not nearly as good as "Broadway the Hard Way". But if you don't want to shell out the 12 clams for that one, go rent the "Does Humor Belong in Music?" DVD. Undoubtedly, Zappa at his best. This is the Zappa material that will get you off your chair and get your arms up in the air!

Forget about Hot Rats.

That list of Zappa releases I posted on page 4 or so was a cruel joke. I was trying to mislead you to the bad stuff he did (that's why there's so much of it!).

Yeah, go out (or use Netflix) and rent "Does Humor Belong in Music?" Their keyboard player has the coolest shorts.

There's that other one "Baby Snakes", but it's really bad. Cheesy claymation, and they abuse this blow-up doll. Why would they do that? Don't they have any respect for rubber women?!? Sickening, to say the least. Stay clear of that crap.

Artist: Frank Zappa

Boulez vous couchez avec moi, ce soir?

The vote is at 50/50, which is also the best song on the 2nd best Zappa album ever (next to "Broadway the Hard Way")

Jean-Luc Ponty is crap. Rite of Strings, indeed! How pretentious. I saw them, and they thought they were so great. Al Dimeola, Stan Clarke... boooo! Learn to f'in play real music. Al with his midi synth guitar... Straight out of revenge of the nerds. I was expecting Lamar to come out and rap about the tri-delts...

They asked who the audience who they were voting for in the up coming election. Some jerk yelled out "Zappa for president" and everyone applauded. What a crappy, low-brow show with a bunch of slutty truck stop ho's in attendance. "Zappa for president", ha! That's laughable. Only the best of the best can hold that office!

Artist: Frank Zappa

Oh... I was listening to that Zappa/MOI song "Trouble Everyday" from their '66 release "Freak Out". One of the worst songs ever. It's supposed to be about the Watts Riot. What riot?

And the lyrics? Please? Blah blah blah... it's the 60's, man, and we have something to say... Gimme a break. Boring hippies with major substance abuse problems. Who wants to listen to lyrics with over 500 words? I want the Reader's Digest version.

I'm so sick of this b.s. that Freak Out was the first concept album. They only said that after Sgt. Pepper came out to sound like they were better than the Beatles. No one is better than the Beatles, except maybe the Cure.

I know this Zappa fan that heard "Return of the Monster Magnet" on Freak Out, and thought it was hip hop. In the 60's? Ha... It was poop hop.

Freak Out is terrible. The Mothers were terrible. I can only get into Zappa when he was funny and entertaining. Everyone knows that's his best stuff, and that's why it's so popular. Capiche?

Artist: Frank Zappa

Oh... and... after a recuperative weekend of booze, tea, and lizard play, I'm really glad to see that so many people are so dissapointed with this thread that they keep coming back! It's like a train wreck with dismembered bodies (almost like an Unsane album cover).

Seriously. I logged on and expected it to be on page 6 or 7, but it was the 2nd topic.

Ahhh... magical Electrical land... "Where loving to hate is virtue!"

No one willing to discuss "The Eric Dolphy Memorial Barbeque"? Oh, right. You might have to know what you're talking about to do that. It's easier to post self portraits with your new colorful hair doo.

Glad to see so much discussion of the Cock-toe Twins, The Pixies, The Cure, etc. Now that is fine stuff! I can get on board with that any day. I'm with Kendall too!

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