Little details from your day

Get dog costumes wrote:Two days ago, I was practicing the piano in the music building at UNC. I'm trying to learn the first movement of Barber's "Excursions." It's beyond my level, but I don't care to learn anything easier right now, so I'll just work on the Barber until I get it. As I was stumbling through the first page, I heard the door to an adjacent practice room open and close and someone sitting down at the piano.

Whoever it was began to play Excursions No. 1 with complete fluency at the proper breakneck speed. I tried to practice more, but between wanting to listen to the other person and no longer wanting to listen to my own playing, I couldn't, so I left. As it was near closing time, he or she had had a choice of about 30 vacant rooms, and chose the only one next to mine.

this is one of many reasons i got the fuck out of the conservatory after two semesters. think about reducing a beautiful piece of music to that. what a cock.

yesterday i decided that i'm long overdue for a change in the ol' dayjob. anyone here translate for a living? i'm feeling a "please advise" thread coming on.

Little details from your day

honeyisfunny wrote:
that damned fly wrote:
fantasmatical thorr wrote:...I don't have to sell my bass guitar...

a bass is just a bass, thorr. there are millions of them.

Yeah but has Tom Araya from Slayer played your 70s P-Bass?

thankfully, no. besides, as i recall you weren't even there when he played your bass. maybe it's an elaborate hoax.

aside: though, once, i did play mike watt's bass.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Little details from your day

I currently have two meetings a day (at the very least). The first meeting is to discuss the agenda for the second meeting and takes longer than the second meeting. This is ludicrous. On top of that, the project manager who runs the meeting WRITES down everything that is said. She doesn't type it, she writes it so there are these really awkward long pauses where everyone sort of coughs softly and shuffles papers. Luckily I attend this meeting via the telephone so I can draw pictures of penises or sculpt a frog in clay or put it on mute and pee or whatever. After two weeks of this crap I finally snapped today and said, "Does anyone else find it completely insane that we're meeting about another meeting?" Two people snort laughed. The project manager got completely defensive and pissy and basically found an excuse to wrap up the meeting. Yeah, sometimes you gotta call crazy on crazy.

Little details from your day

Redheadache wrote:I currently have two meetings a day (at the very least). The first meeting is to discuss the agenda for the second meeting and takes longer than the second meeting. This is ludicrous. On top of that, the project manager who runs the meeting WRITES down everything that is said. She doesn't type it, she writes it so there are these really awkward long pauses where everyone sort of coughs softly and shuffles papers. Luckily I attend this meeting via the telephone so I can draw pictures of penises or sculpt a frog in clay or put it on mute and pee or whatever. After two weeks of this crap I finally snapped today and said, "Does anyone else find it completely insane that we're meeting about another meeting?" Two people snort laughed. The project manager got completely defensive and pissy and basically found an excuse to wrap up the meeting. Yeah, sometimes you gotta call crazy on crazy.

this sounds like something out of catch-22. also, way to call bullshit. nicely done.

p.s.-welcome to the board (provided you're not an old member with a new name. in which case: welcome back, fuckface.)
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Little details from your day

That sound, of a dog heaving, is so over-the-top horrendous and disgusting, it's almost funny. If I wasn't watching my dog trying to turn him- or herself inside-out while it was going on, I'd laugh.

Fortunately, whatever was making our dogs vomit up neon-yellow bile once or twice a month seems to have abated.

My little detail: As part of my job, I receive a variety of medical journals. The latest issue of American Family Physician arrived yesterday. The "theme" of the issue is prostatic health and the cover image is an illustration in bright pastels - blue and pink mostly. The subject? A doctor's rubber-gloved hand jamming a finger in an anus up to the last joint to perform a prostate exam on a cross-section of a human pelvis.


The colors make it look like something that would be hanging on the wall of a 10-year old girl's room. I'm leaving it face-up in my inbox (ahem) because it makes me laugh. "Moooooooon river...."

I'm a child.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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