Who wins?

Captain Solo
Total votes: 39 (61%)
Doctor Jones
Total votes: 25 (39%)
Total votes: 64

Thunderdome: Han Solo v. Indiana Jones

oof, i seem to recall raiders having an R.

fine, that only adds to my argument.
they're all children's movies.

that aside, i watched Temple of Doom last night.
it really is a irredeemable stinking piece of trash.
the indian villagers are offensive on such a high level.

my friend randyrussell has this theory that speilberg is some kind of pervert as all of his movies feature children being tortured.

temple of doom might not even be the worst of them.
Derek wrote:Moe Tucker was a Flinstone..

Thunderdome: Han Solo v. Indiana Jones

I go Jones.

Star Wars is poo. Even my nostalgic childhood love for it can't help me see past its sheer awfulness.

Raiders is superb. Last Crusade is fun time. Ok, Temple is turd but all the Star Wars are turd (though - i grant - Solo is the shit in it)

I've not seen the new one yet but look at Indy. The man's 60 and fit as a fiddle. You know Solo would just be some bloated has been, sadly drinking away his last as he reminisces about the glory of his youth in a bar he owns in some far flung corner of the universe.
Indy still has a passion for learning which, apparently, has kept his pecker up all this years.

Definitely Indy

And definitely not Deckard - whiny robot fuck he was.
They talk by flapping their meat at each other.

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