itchy mcgoo wrote:Nina,
They are cricket cases! No, really!
People would keep them as pets to hear them sing at night* and would also fight them. Usually Chinese, made popular in the Tang Dynasty. The small ones were mostly decorative but there are crazy big rosewood houses.
If yours does not have a pierced top to allow air for the cricket, it might be a snuff container.
Mine has dirty, dirty pictures on it.
*One old Chinese chronicle records that crickets were treated with a mixture of brass powder and rosin2. This mixture was applied to the stridulatory mirror of the front fore-wing with a needle and was supposed to refine and heighten the volume of the insect's 'voice'.
wtf! from here
Thanks for the information, that is fantastic!
Never in a million years, would I have guessed that was what it was used for. I was thinking possibly opium or spices. Yes, mine has holes in the top and beautify carved dirtiness as well. Really accentuates it's phallic appearance.
It's rough inside, so I am guessing it's from a real tusk, as a resin molded object seems as if it would be smooth. (just a guess)
I am beginning the search for the crazy rosewood houses now. You have inspired my slacking brain with some possible design ideas. Thank you madam!