vancouver, BC as a musical region

Swat wrote:Yes, Vancouver troubles me. Nardwuar really is quite a character, my old band played on 'CITR radio hell' and we hung out. Lots o' fun. I agree with most suggestions, but I'm more into the obscure 'up and comers' kinda bands. 'Daddys Hands' are playing shows again, but the vocalist has a bit of an alcohol problem... If he gets his act together it'll be quite a blast of talent. 'Wolf Parade' are really from Victoria, but they're pretty hot and definitely worth watching. Don't believe them when they say that they're from montreal. 'Hank & Lilly' are interesting although their CD is much better than the shows that I've seen. 'Blue Pine' are great though I don't know if they're together anymore. 'Submission Hold' are playing shows again, although I'm not too stoked on the vocals, they're intense. I don' have anything bad to say about 'Hot Hot Heat' but I'd never buy anything of theirs... They've worked hard and made some money doing what they love. How can I criticize that? Also, 'The Approach' were very good... 'The WPP' are good as well... If Al is still playing drums, it's worth going just for him. He's a powerhouse. There was a band called 'The Three Dots' that were awsome, though that was a while back and I don't know if they're around anymore...

Bradin - Black Mountain are so damn good. I quite agree... McBean is quite a talent. After a show that my band was playing was over, he gave us the keys to his house so we had a place to stay. Quite a trusting soul!

Horsewhip - The Hive? I guess that you know Jesse then... It's a pretty sweet setup down there from what I hear. Have you heard the old DBS stuff that he sang for? He's come a long way... Black Rice was a good move for him. I can also assume that you Know Jack Duckworth from A Luna Red and Radio Berlin.

Anyways... If anyone else from Vancouver are into it, I'd be into doing a coffee thing sometime... We could talk about how lame Vancouver is and blabber... about... stuff...

Needless to say, I'm from Vancouver and not very impressed about it. Oh yeah, if there's a vocalist around the Vancouver area give me a shout. Mathy stuff a-la Jehu, J-Lizard, Shellac, Fugazi etc.

hey, i'm glad you went on about up and comings, because i'm interested in seeing some of that.

out of curiosity, what was your old band? i used to listen to citr a lot...

vancouver, BC as a musical region

Oh yeah... Forgot about that! Your absolutly right about the 'Frog Eyes' thing though... The vocalist/guitarist is quite a nutcase! I quite enjoy his stuff.

Destroyer... Maybe I havent given it a good enough listen, but I just couldn't get into it... Call me crazy. (I've been called much worse.)

Joel Phelps - Funny that I like him so much but haven't had the occasion to see him live. I'm totally looking forward to it though... This is the former vocalist for Silkworm, no??

For those who have not seen Narwuar (the human serviette) live, I've gotta say that it is quite a site and very fun. The Evaporators, Thee Goblins, Thee Gothblins, The Skablins, etc. He has a talent for getting me totally stoked on all age shows, and why I played them in the first place.

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