Give me some new breakfast ideas

Belgian waffles. Instead of milk or soy milk, use Guiness. Only use half as much oil as usual. Add either strawberries, blueberries. etc.

1-3/4 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 egg yolks

mix all that up, then add

1-3/4 cup guiness
1/4 cup veggie oil

stir gently and let it sit for 30 min

add whatever fruit you'd like right before cooking. (why not try corn)
Don't get chumpatized!

Give me some new breakfast ideas

Marsupialized wrote:
jimmy spako wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I need a breakfast recipe involving corn. I have a shit ton of corn at the house I need to use for something.

get a flakemaker.

wtf is a flakemaker?

the device they make the cereal with. probably not commercially available.

just go with creamed corn with a raw egg or brown sugar in it or something.

Give me some new breakfast ideas

Buy some masa, which is mexican cornmeal. You can add cooked vegetables (onions, chiles, peppers, chayote, etc.), your corn, and then a little water. You'll have a simple dough that you can roll into little balls and press into thin cakes that can be pan fried. A little sour cream and whatever else....or make corn muffins with rendered bacon in them. Corn and bacon are good buds. You'll have breakfast for a week.

Give me some new breakfast ideas

Corn is great all by itself. Just put some butter and salt and maybe some hot sauce or jalapenos on it. Great. Scrambled eggs, toast, salsa, some awesome corn on the side...

Shit, that sounds like I need to make that and eat it right damn now.
steve albini
Electrical Audio
sa at electrical dot com
Quicumque quattuor feles possidet insanus est.

Give me some new breakfast ideas

Marsupialized wrote:
I am all about the fried plantains.

Just make sure that they are plenty ripe (with a few black spots on them) and fry them until they are really crisp. You can heat the chipotle sauce up or serve it at room temp.

I have made baked plantains stuffed with various meats and whatnot several times. Delicious. I have fried them a few times but they never turn out as good as I've had in restaurants. I think I am missing smething, some kind of sweet sauce to slather them in as they fry.

My ex has a good technique for getting the plantains really crispy. You cut them kind of thick and fry them lightly, then smoosh them flat and fry them again. Sort of the same way you make french fries by blanching them in oil them turning the heat up and and finishing them off.


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