The OFFICAL nobody likes Christopher J. McGarvey thread

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:
yaledelay wrote:
Colonel Panic wrote:Has it occurred to anyone else here that perhaps KillPopRecordsLLC == Christpher J. McGarvey?

We have our culprit.

I live on Humboldt blvd, many people know this...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

The OFFICAL nobody likes Christopher J. McGarvey thread

KillPopRecordsLLC wrote:dude, you really think i care that much about what people think of me on this forum. Obviously I dont. In between wanking and playing star fox 64 I come here to get a rise of people then go back to playing star fox 64. I dont live here like you guys, I got my own place.

As far as I'm concerned, you've just gone and made another thread that's really about YOU and it's nowhere near as good as the 'Leaving The Forum' thread.

Get cancer.

Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

The OFFICAL nobody likes Christopher J. McGarvey thread

the_rekoner wrote:johnny killjoy,
selling some of your lovely analog gear i see. It was the DOD gonkulator that was supposedly used by graham coxon you lame cunt.

actually, the killjoy's right on this one...

that crudball "Punkifier" pedal (what an awful name) is responsible for a lot of the insane guitar distortion on 13. "Bugman," "Coffee and TV," "Battle" - all due to that pedal. I remember reading an interview with Graham back when I was really into Blur where he said that this was the most over-the-top stupid pedal ever. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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