Sprecher root beer crap not crap

steve wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I'm kind of curious about the Lakefront Golden Maple Root Beer.

This is an excellent root beer, as is Sprecher. Ask Rob Sieracki to make you a care package.

Well considering Chris lives with in 3-5 miles of both Sprechers and Lakefront, I don't think he will need that...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Sprecher root beer crap not crap

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I'm kind of curious about the Lakefront Golden Maple Root Beer.
Lakefront is unique, with a maple flavor true to its name. It's highly carbonated, and a golden yellow in color. It's tasty, but I hate drinking a serving out of plastic, and they no longer make it in bottles, so I have it about once a year when I find it on tap locally.

Sprecher is a polar opposite of Lakefront. It's somehow excellent in a way that includes a determined, purposeful near flatness. It's a dark brown color and sweeter than most sodas. It's still sold in attractively packaged 4 packs of brown bottles.

The Uzeda folks said Sprecher tastes like cough medicine, and I think about that almost every time I have it.

The other Sprecher sodas are excellent, too, especially the ginseng-ish Raven Red and the cream sodas. Well, I don't include the 'lo-cal' root beer in that statement. I choose to ignore that marketing move and tasteless mistake. They have a new cherry cola I haven't tried, yet.

You can read about their sodas here:


The other root beer of note in the WI area is at Pinocchio's Drive-In West. It's more like an old school A&W root beer on draft, with perhaps a little more of whatever is in Sprecher that makes Europeans confuse it with cough syrup. It's not something you get in bottles from the grocery or liquor store; if you want some for home like for a BBQ you get it in plastic gallon jugs from the source and finish it off within a day of opening to escape a flat taste.


Sprecher root beer crap not crap

BadComrade wrote:I tried that Raven Red stuff and I had to pour it down the sink.

Just seeing the bottle online made me want to go out and get one with lunch.

Lunch, BTW, = pizza at this fantastic new place here called Transfer Pizza that this oddball Ukranian guy who moved here from Italy runs....

http://www.onmilwaukee.com/dining/artic ... rcafe.html

$6 pizzas at lunch. Also in the 'no accounting for taste' dept, Mr Weston had some of Vasyl's pizza and hated it, so you know it's truly horrible or fantastic.

And, I'll be in Chicago this weekend for practice. Senor Fuller has new song titles that need music to flesh them out.

Fuck me I'm flying again,


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