Should I get it cut short?

Total votes: 19 (61%)
Total votes: 12 (39%)
Total votes: 31

I m Bored Poll: Should I Cut My Hair?

I'm not sure how to cast "my vote' in the poll, but I would recommend that you cut it... and I am of the female half of our species. I do not consider myself HOT though, so maybe my opinion is not as important.

Normally, my advice would be to NOT cut your OWN hair -- leave the chopping to the professionals. You might get lucky and end up with a decent cut, but most likely you will not -- and it will be obvious -- and then you will have to go and pay someone to fix it (unless you are already experienced in this field). Although... d865 recommended the 220v Flowbee haircutting system -- which is a real hoot. My friend had one many years back and always gave all three of her boys (and her hubby) haircuts with it. They just hooked it up to their shop vac and in no time at all the hair was cut and the mess was non-existent. I would be surprised if they still make them (and would, in fact, love to own one for cutting my two kids' hair). So, if you decide to cut it yourself, then go with this foolproof method.

Personally, half the fun of getting a haircut is having someone else wash, massage, comb, etc...your head. I love that pampered feeling/attention I get when I go to a really nice salon. I usually go to a salon about every 6 months or so (currently, I maintain long hair and just get trims) and always look forward to it. I do recommend that you have an idea of what you are hoping for before you get there -- maybe even a few pictures, unless the element of surprise would cure the boredom your experiencing.

iembalm also gave a link for locks of love, which is a great idea (that I fully endorse), but you must have a minimum of 10 inches hair in order to donate... which by the looks of it, wouldn't work for you (unless you decide to continue to grow it long enough in order to justify a cut for locks of love).

If you do get it cut, please post a picture here for us to see the new do!

I m Bored Poll: Should I Cut My Hair?

I vote that you do not cut your hair. I myself, just today became the victim of a bad haircut. I don't get it done very often. Today I asked that she trim off a couple of inches. She took at least six and gave me a bit of a bowl cut in the process. I look like a 12 year old kid who just got into skateboarding or something. Learn from my mistake.
"he probably felt like he owed me something since he just skullfucked me with a drill"

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