I wouldn't count someone who just doesn't partake as an edger. Plenty real hip humans just don't need to, or know better. They may stick out at parties, but I've had some of the best times while trashed with that non-wasted member of the click.
Most of my sober friends are recovering alcoholics or junkies who did some wild shit while whacked, and are pretty stable now. However there are some peculiarities.
The only sober person I can remember who hung out with this one crew has been a dominatrix, school teacher, fired/jailed for fucking a student, and now works with dead bodies.
Satin-Down wrote:Hmmm.
This one is interestin' to read as a gal who is a 33 years old & who has remained one livin' life 'on the edge', though only ever referred to it that way in a more cheeky manner. Like droppin' the Chain of Strength lyric 'TRUE TIL DEATH'. No one does that seriously. There were also no 'x's worn or sXe related ink in this gal's life or on this gal's body. But she has been livin' this life, well, her whole life...not just adopting it in the late 90s when man, was there a jump on the 'style'.
But, indeed at 33 there remains an absolute absence of alcohol, cigarrettes, drugs etc. in this gal's life. Never entered it. Never had the desire or curiousity for it. Perhaps those Minor Threat lyrics just beyond hit home upon hearin' them on WBNY. But only because she could relate. Not indoctinate. Even through growin' up with her pals experimenting with almost everything that they could get their hands on, trusting that their gal pal would make sure that they got home alright and if anything did go wrong that this gal would be there to make sure they got what they needed.
And yes, she has also been vegetarian for 24 years and a vegan for 14. Though every person in her life is a meat eatin', liquor lovin' fella....and many still smoke and 'relax' in their own ways. And yes, most of the dudes in her life never seem to get tired of chiding her and constantly offerin' her drinks or steak or whatevah, particularly after they have enjoyed a few. But they appreciate a gal pal who can always drive their asses to and from shows all over southern ontario, Detroit and Chicago and hold onto their drinks while they go do whatevah they need to do without any concern of havin' it not be there upon their return. And be able to remember everything that they do...just in case. And all without judgement, though cheekiness and sarcasm are ever present as arsenal to wield when they have been complete dumbasses.
This gal does what she does for her, and has always taken the approach that anyone else should be able to do what they want and need for themselves. One can't expect tolerance and respect without puttin' that out there. Perhaps that is the difference. Militants always were irking and often idiotic; their intolerance polarizing and devisive. Hypocrisy rampant.
Those few around her who had considered themselves 'straight edge' back in the 90's have indeed all gone towards eatin' meat, or drinking and smoking. Though not in a ragin' way as detailed in some of the previous posts. Perhaps we are more moderate up here in Canada.
But she will remain...TRU TIL DEATH...that's just her
Wait, you're telling me you're NOT on drugs?
Satin-Down wrote:Hmmm. Sorry. she always spoke in the third person goin' back as long as she can remember about 80% of the time but its not concious. Its whatevah comes out. It honestly comes from bein' uber shy, if that makes sense.
Wait, you're telling me you're NOT on drugs?