Two Bands Enter, One Band Leaves

Total votes: 42 (82%)
The B-52's
Total votes: 9 (18%)
Total votes: 51

Thunderdome: Devo vs. The B-52s

zom-zom wrote:
r0ck1r0ck2 wrote:you act like de-vo isn't completely gay.
in that gay=nerd/freak.

I'm not acting like anything. And it's DEVO, there is no - .

You can masturbate to photos of computers all you want, most likely that doesn't make you the gay.

look at "are we not men?"
watch the early video/fims.

there's a -

suck it somsom
Derek wrote:Moe Tucker was a Flinstone..

Thunderdome: Devo vs. The B-52s

The B-52s are a fine rock band, but Devo wins this one no contest.

Nothing the B-52s did comes close to the stuff compiled on the Hardcore Devo discs or the records from Q: Are We Not Men... to New Traditionalists.

D-E-V-O from O-H-I-O.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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