When Are The Atheists Going To Find A God To Pick On?

Rick Reuben wrote:they have convinced billions that a Man In The Sky is watching them, and he has sent emissaries to Earth to enforce his laws. Incredibly, the dumbasses of Earth sit on their hands waiting for God In The Sky to come down and deliver the Earth to the poor and the meek, when it's fairly obvious that the Gods on Earth of Profit and Exploitation wrote the motherfucking book that TOLD YOU to 'wait for God to solve your problems'- so they could keep you waiting, while they went about their evil work!

Then you agree with me on the culpability of the "dumbasses of Earth", which I pointed out a few days ago:

unsaved wrote:
Rick Reuben wrote:Gramsci would rather focus his wrath on some old lady twisting her rosary beads than on some parasitical scum financiers stealing the whole damn world.

But the old lady sitting around twisting her rosary IS a valid target for criticism because more often than not, that's what she and millions of others have been doing their entire lives--keeping their heads in the sand, reading few other books aside from the bible and relying on some imaginary diety to take care of the world's problems rather than making the effort to be informed and take even a little bit of direct action against the "elite bankers" or the government or whoever else might negatively affect their lives, and the lives of their fellow-man. But no, sit around on your ass and pray to god and jeeeezus and the "virgin" Mary and a bunch of "saints" and they'll make things all right. Such people should not be allowed to vote.

Rick Reuben wrote:But for people who are terrified of criticizing their governments, their banks, the elites, the corporations, the military, and the media, what is left for such useless warts? Oh, I know: prayer.
Rick Reuben wrote:Edit those words out or I'm contacting a moderator.

When Are The Atheists Going To Find A God To Pick On?

Rick Reuben wrote:I think debt with interest should be outlawed, speculation should be outlawed, and money supported by debt creation should be outlawed. Then I think corporations should have caps on their earnings, and so should people. I think something like 10X the median income of a nation should be a good top limit. Give those who exceed that ceiling a year to distribute their assets until they fall below that ceiling, and if they don't comply, take their grotesque fortunes by force, disburse them to the poor, imprison the greedheads, and use deadly force on some of the worst to set a good example.

I really think that as long as people speak about 'the rich people' like they have any value to society, we're going nowhere. They need to of others by dominating every middle man job that takes a cut of the working person's earnings as it returns to him as wages. They're jackals. Scum manipulators of capital, 'dealers', finaglers, chiselers. Fuck the bankers, the brokers, the stock traders, fuck their whole house of sin. They need to reform. They know that they cannot reform, they know that evil and greed controls them, and this is why they devote so much of their wealth to enslaving people with debt and locking them inside their surveillance control grids- they do this because they know they are on a path to wreck the economy, and they need safety from the angry masses.

They will obviously wreck the economy. It's all they know how to do. History shows them at the core of every society that has crashed, rottting it out from inside. It's their insane complusion to take more and more until the roof caves in. It's branded onto their brains by centuries of conditioning and doctrine. They think the cattle are their property, and that the economy is their slaughterhouse.

I can hang with this. A few other requirements to add would be to force corporations to pay their fair share in taxes by keeping their headquarters in the U.S. instead of moving to some offshore haven, keeping operations in the U.S. instead of outsourcing jobs, repealing all "right to work" laws and requiring companies to negotiate and sign off on a contract that would provide workers with a living wage, health care and a secure pension for starters.
Last edited by unsaved_Archive on Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Rick Reuben wrote:Edit those words out or I'm contacting a moderator.

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