Band: The Ex

Total votes: 3 (7%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 39 (93%)
Total votes: 42

Band: The Ex

I love their guitar sound. Extremely sharp-edged. A combination between that sound and Wire's guitar sound on Pink Flag is probably my ideal guitar sound at the moment.

Don't have an album yet, but I do have some of their songs and they rule. Truly, an angular band. (The term fits them better than even early Gang of Four.) I know that I am going to start with Starters Alternators. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Band: The Ex

LBx wrote:Pokkeherrie is sounding good so far...

Pokkeherrie is probably my favorite Ex record, either this one or Scrabbling at the Lock. The drawings in the liner notes are great.

I recently purchased Aural Guerrilla and its brutality is quite surprising.

EDIT: Not Crap, btw. These guys are probably my second favorite band

Band: The Ex

love 'em. been lucky enough to see them & their ex orchest & other improv combos with ex members.

if you like the ex with tom cora, check out roof with tom cora, luc ex, michael vatcher & phil minton! soon!

(damn, i oughta get to know the ways of sendspace & post that shit. maybe later on this weekend.)

& they have a song about brussel sprouts. i think it says "brussel sprouts, i want to fuck you." take that, mr. mojo risin!

Band: The Ex

Magenta wrote:
LBx wrote:Pokkeherrie is sounding good so far...

Pokkeherrie is probably my favorite Ex record

Mine too, although Tumult comes close. Pokkeherrie is weird, almost like an EXAMPLE of what the perfect album should be like.

I'm going to go listen to it right now...
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Band: The Ex

aldofarian wrote:I went to the Ex 25 years spectacular a couple of years back in Brussels.
Very entertaining line up of muscians from all over the globe.

Ian Mackaye got upset because the audience (in a sit down cinema room) was too quiet and passive.

I think that was a first.

I hope you stage-dived on his ass.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Band: The Ex

Ace wrote:
Magenta wrote:
LBx wrote:Pokkeherrie is sounding good so far...

Pokkeherrie is probably my favorite Ex record

Mine too, although Tumult comes close. Pokkeherrie is weird, almost like an EXAMPLE of what the perfect album should be like.

I'm going to go listen to it right now...

The only iffy track on it is "Friendly Neighbours", but that's because the rest of those songs are just absolutely perfect. It is just on the wrong album.

I purchased Tumult and Blueprints for a Blackout this weekend. Very excited to give those a spin. Also got the Dog Faced Hermans' Those Deep Buds, which will be my first exposure to the group (aside from that split they did with the Ex, and Andy of course).

Band: The Ex

Magenta wrote:
Ace wrote:
Magenta wrote:
LBx wrote:Pokkeherrie is sounding good so far...

Pokkeherrie is probably my favorite Ex record

Mine too, although Tumult comes close. Pokkeherrie is weird, almost like an EXAMPLE of what the perfect album should be like.

I'm going to go listen to it right now...

The only iffy track on it is "Friendly Neighbours", but that's because the rest of those songs are just absolutely perfect. It is just on the wrong album.

Exactly!!! This is so weird I could say the same exact thing! My love for all the other songs on the album though makes me say it's a perfect album - i mean, 'white liberals'? 'hit the headline'? 'soviet threat'? They're ALL GOOD. 'Friendly Neighbours' is "iffy", but not enough to bring the album down in my book.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

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