My allegiance lies with:

Total votes: 125 (49%)
The Jesus Lizard
Total votes: 131 (51%)
Total votes: 256

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

big_dave wrote:
that damned fly wrote:if a kid ever plowed into guy or ian's amps they probably would've gotten their booboos kissed and given bandaids and hugs.

tjl, still.

I'd rather be punched by Dwayne than glared at by Ian.


Dave, dood.... you've clearly not been punched enough/recently. Getting punched hard enough to turn one's lights out, y'know, it sucks.

Getting lectured by the Punk Rock Schoolmaster... eh... so?
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

dontfeartheringo wrote:
big_dave wrote:
that damned fly wrote:if a kid ever plowed into guy or ian's amps they probably would've gotten their booboos kissed and given bandaids and hugs.

tjl, still.

I'd rather be punched by Dwayne than glared at by Ian.


Dave, dood.... you've clearly not been punched enough/recently. Getting punched hard enough to turn one's lights out, y'know, it sucks.

Getting lectured by the Punk Rock Schoolmaster... eh... so?

getting lectured is boring for everyone.

watching someone get socked? people pay money for that.
buy my guitar. now with pictures!

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

AnthonyVillalobos wrote:
I'm almost positive that kid didn't dive into his amp on purpose. That's what happens at shows like that. Stage diving isn't orchestrated.

Or at least it shouldn't be.

The guy dove into Duane's amp at the most inopportune time, during his slide solo in Nub, for chrissakes!

If the kid were a true fan and not there to just do stupid bullshit like "stage dive" he would have stopped his epilepsy dancing for a second and paid some fucking attention and respect to Mr. Denison.

(personally I would have done the same thing to that retarded kid).

Besides, I have seen Fugazi stop shows for several minutes at a time to deal with stuff like this, and verbally abuse people that behave in such a manner. Duane was rightfully upset.

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