simmo wrote:Argh! I need a Clive Tyldsley filter! Bloody ITV coverage! Yesterday's commentary on Turkey - Portugal was painful, I honestly thought that any moment he was going to shoot his load talking about Ron-ALdo. Even Dindon (who can't stand football and therefore was paying no attention to it) picked up on the general jizzfest. It was embarrassing to listen to. Anyway, Tildsley's obviously decided he's supporting Portugal this year... the sooner they get knocked out, the better, say I - not least as it would shut him up.
Did you miss his little dig at Ronaldo in reference to his penalty miss in the CL final?
I'm firmly of the belief that Clive hates foreigners. In every match commentary he'll have a did at some foreign player or team whilst failing to mention the shortcomings of English players / teams.
Portugal were pretty impressive, though.