Harold and Kumar -- is good movie?

Was worth missing my shift at the 7-11. Thank you, come again.
Total votes: 13 (100%)
Wasn't worth missing my shift at the 7-11. Thank you, come again. (No votes)
Total votes: 13

The Movie - Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle

Yeah... really good movie. I laughed my ass off. I also think it was funny that Asian groups were upset because they felt it portrayed Asians negatively, since Harold and Kumar consume marijuana cigarettes.

It also really ties into the nerds vs. jocks/frat boys. The fact is (in real life this happens) the frat boy/jock types that get into the corporate world usually don't know how to do their jobs (or are too lazy). As someone who considers myself a nerd, I've had to deal with this in the past, but not for a long time. Life IS like that. Really. The ending is great. I won't ruin it, but it is a triumph involving Dougie Hauser and V.D.

Yeah, Nappy D wasn't very compelling. It just kind of hung around like a stale fart. That movie Slackers did that in a good way. Nappy D does it in a lame way... I can't quite put my finger on it, nor do I want to revisit that movie to attempt it.

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