PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

I know someone on another message board who worked as the party staff there or what ever...

"I just worked this party. . .

It was the closing event for PotLuck Con, which is what the TapeOp conference is now called.

200 people, and maybe 15 of them were women. So funny.

Anyway, I overheard this conversation and it made me laugh. It's so outrageously cliche.

Two little indie rock recording nerds are at the bar talking to my very sweet and earnest coworker who has no idea what the conference is about or the reason for this party. Everything about these guys is stereotypical "indie rock dude" right down to the black rimmed glasses, small button down shirts, polyester pants, etc.

Coworker: Where are y'all from?

Dude 1: California

Dude 2: Yeah, I'm from there also.

Coworker: Oh, awesome! I've been to California. When I was there I saw the Redwoods.

Dude 2 (to Dude 1): Didn't they get a major label deal and get dropped and go back to an indie?

Coworker is looking at them both quizzically.

Dude 1: Um, I think she's talking about trees."


PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

alex maiolo wrote:
turnbullac wrote:I won the poker tournament

Whoa! There was some excellent swag in that there tournament, right?
What did you get?

Great seeing you and the Chicago Krew, by the way. You guys make Nerd Time, Fun Time.


I think the term was Nerd-Herd

Congrats to turnbullac!!! He won an album to be....
Don't forget to get your tape and broken mic.
Greg Norman FG

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