american spirits

Total votes: 13 (41%)
not crap
Total votes: 19 (59%)
Total votes: 32

cigarettes: American Spirits

I like these things better then any other cigs. I know they are just as bad for me but fuck if they don't taste good. Am I a victim of marketing?

btw I go to Bensonville and buy cartons for 50 bucks, 5 dollars a pack, half as much as they are in the city and a carton lasts me 2 weeks. Camels are 39 bucks a carton though, an even better deal. Maybe I should just quit, and spend the money on health insurance/groceries

cigarettes: American Spirits

When I was about 13 (1988 or so) you used to be able to order 2 packs of filters, 2 packs of non-filters, and one bag of loose FOR FREE out of the back of Mother Jones magazine. My mom was a subscriber.

That magazine was full of hairy, naked (liberal) women.

Not too bad at all.

I don't smoke but I'll smoke an American Spirit every now and then. Not crap.

cigarettes: American Spirits

Was never much of a fan of them but lately I've been smoking American Spirits (the yellow-boxed ones) more or less exclusively. I have not had a cigarette today. Whether I end up smoking before the day is over, I have resolved to quit smoking (again) within two weeks' time. (The absurdity of this habit...if only one never enjoyed it.)

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