american spirits

Total votes: 13 (41%)
not crap
Total votes: 19 (59%)
Total votes: 32

cigarettes: American Spirits

been smoking 'em for years. (I too remember the various free promos they offered)

Totally NC, the rolling tobacco is great, as are the Black box, and the "Blue" one, everything else is too much filter for my taste.

Still, they're not the king of cigarettes. Camel Straights FOREVER! (okay, till that lung totally falls off)

Wish I could succesfully quit. But, since I haven't yet. Spirits are a GO.
Great Deceiver

cigarettes: American Spirits

Too hard to draw on and they burn too slow. They taste like hay. I like the chemicals in cigarettes that make them burn fast and stay lit. That's why they put the chemicals in there: to make them addictive and smokeable. Screw American Spirts' reputation for being healthier. If I wanted to be healthier I wouldn't smoke atall.
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.

cigarettes: American Spirits

American Spirit Yellows - love 'em.

I laugh at the people complaining about them being too hard to smoke, etc.
I like to relax and have a smoke, not power huff it down.
Don't feel like I've smoked anything with a camel or marlboro or whatever.

Therefore the 7 min to smoke one cigarette factor of American Spirits = not crap. Especially for long drives.

cigarettes: American Spirits

American Spirit Lights (yellow box) are basically the only cigarettes I've smoked for about ten years. The other brands I've tried on rare occasions, even other American Spirits, taste like utter shit now -- too sweet, too chemical, too harsh, or else flavorless; even the second-hand smoke from other brands smells bad to me. If A.S.L.'s went out of production or if the formulation changed noticeably I would stop smoking altogether.

cigarettes: American Spirits

Santa Fe Tobacco, the company who (I guess?) makes American Spirits, will send you two $10 gift certificates just for registering on their website. Since I did this I have not only gotten (and spent) said certificates, but also a non-crisp $10 bill to be used any way I like.

My friend, who also signed up, has been offered a bunch of free tobacco as well.

Santa Fe, your promotions are mysterious! But I like your smokes, so hey!
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

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