Little details from your day

Little details from yesterday:

I found out that one of the guys I'm currently working with has no spleen.
Another of my colleagues drank two litres of whisky on his 18th birthday and had to have CPR to restart his heart.

Later I found a wood pigeon wandering about in my stairwell. I managed to convince it to return to the wild without shitting everywhere.

I also got an unexpected cheque in the post for £84.

Salut! Friday 13th - you were actually great this time!
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

Little details from your day

Went to see Vic Chesnutt play last night, with a chimerical backing band best described as the Silver Mt Picciotto Lovers. I was not a giant fan going in but consider me a convert now. Chesnutt's croaky songs over the big doomy howl of the Silver Mt Zion sound was one of the least likely and most effective combinations of sensibilities I've ever heard, and the result brought tears to my eyes more than once. Ten fucking stars.

Little details from your day

I stepped in dog shit on the way out of my house this morning.

So nice of the yuppies to let their dog shit in my front yard and just walk away like that. I am going to stab the next yuppie I see letting their dog shit in my yard, you will read about it in the newspaper.

I scraped as much of it off as I could but it's fucking nauseating. I can still smell dog shit wafting up from my shoes. There's no hose here that I can find to spray them off.

I will have to buy new shoes, fuck these shoes.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

ERawk wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:I stepped in dog shit on the way out of my house this morning.

So nice of the yuppies to let their dog shit in my front yard and just walk away like that. I am going to stab the next yuppie I see letting their dog shit in my yard, you will read about it in the newspaper.

I scraped as much of it off as I could but it's fucking nauseating. I can still smell dog shit wafting up from my shoes. There's no hose here that I can find to spray them off.

I will have to buy new shoes, fuck these shoes.

Paging Col. or PEPPER! to the thread...

I don't follow. Which do either of these men have an interest or expertise in? Dog shit or shoes?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Little details from your day

Nina wrote:The most important person in my life has not spoken to me for a couple of days.
I feel like my heart is literally breaking.

I hope you're okay, Nina.

I spent all day recovering from a mammoth booze procedure. The kind of enjoyable hangover though, where you feel like you're head is buried in cotton wool, more tiredness than anything.

I lost a tenner and my zippo though. Fucking shallow pockets, on these trousers.

I'm listening to Skip James, and later I might watch Solaris, or possibly go drinking again.

All right.

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