
I'm a Nazi schatze: Johnny, Joey, Dee Dee, Tommy
Total votes: 23 (44%)
Der Menschmaschine: Ralf, Florian, Wolfgang, Karl
Total votes: 29 (56%)
Total votes: 52

Ramones vs. Kraftwerk

Arguably the two most influential groups of the 1970s. Polar opposites, mirror images, minimalist pioneers, wonderfully complementary if listened to back-to-back.

Whom do you prefer? Who looked cooler? Whose influence was more profound and lasting? Or do they both suck moose cock as far as you're concerned? Impossible. Choose. Explain.

[The second poll option should be "Die Mensch-Maschine." Scheiße.]

Ramones vs. Kraftwerk

Damn. Interesting poll.

Not really too hard, though.

The Ramones. In terms of overall quality, they had more good albums than Kraftwerk ever did.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Ramones vs. Kraftwerk

ctrl-s wrote:Whether or not you think their critical and popular reception was/is deserved, no Ramones and no Kraftwerk = no music as we know it since 1976. "I am not responding but posting in yawning superior blase mode" should've been a voting option, apparently.

I'm sure there are many more like me who managed to thrive and create
despite never having heard them.

Ramones vs. Kraftwerk


If you remove Ramones from history the hole isn't as large as the one left by removing Kraftwerk. Kraftwerk invented electronic pop and had a huge effect on Industrial music. If based on modern sampling alone Kraftwerk invented just about everything James Brown didn't.

Plus, I'm not all that big a Ramones fan. German bias also kicking in.

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