by ctrl-s_Archive
I don't know, earlier noisy/primitive tendencies in American rock (like Cleveland "proto-punk") seems like it might have been too volatile and fragmented and anti-commercial and Stooges-duplicating to spread widely and coalesce into a major shift. The Ramones benefited from being in the right place among the right people at the right time AND from bringing together really disparate strands (Beach Boys, Charles Manson, life in Forest Hills) with unique originality, humor, and unpretentiousness. Life-changing.
But obviously there are millions of people who don't like / have never heard / could give a flying fuck about the Ramones or punk rock, whereas EVERYONE has heard -- and, I'll wager, enjoyed -- at least some music that has been directly influenced by Kraftwerk, whether or not they wanted to or even knew it. Both are fantastic, but in terms of global and historical significance, Kraftwerk takes it. Also I'm on a massive Kraftwerk kick these days; though my enjoyment of them isn't nearly as context-specific (i.e. in reaction to shitty radio fare, being a teenager, etc.), it's not less.
I expected Ramones to walk away with this poll on this forum.