5.25" floppy disks

anyone have old ones of these laying around they could sell me? i'm just talking used one, they don't even have to work. i need them for an art project- not shitting.

i'll pay you money for them. just looking for some used ones i could use so i don't have to drop $50 on new ones.


5.25" floppy disks

They make new ones? Wow. Thought that shit was deader than eight-track.

I actually got a bunch free a while back. My band was doing a CD-R release and we were just using discs from a spindle, so we needed a protective sleeve of some sort. Then we realized that if you snip the end of a 5 1/4" floppy and rip out the magnetic part inside...instant CD sleeve! Best idea I ever had.

Do what I did: call up a computer store. Not a big-box company like Best Buy or what have you, just whatever sort of independently-owned one you may have in the city. Here in my city we've got one called PC Place which has been around for about 20 years (another hint: go for the older stores, they're more likely to have old ones lying around because they probably sold great numbers of them at one point). I just called them up, asked if they had any floppies I could buy, and they ended up giving me a pack of 60 for free.

Good luck on your journey.

5.25" floppy disks

Mason wrote:They make new ones? Wow. Thought that shit was deader than eight-track.

I actually got a bunch free a while back. My band was doing a CD-R release and we were just using discs from a spindle, so we needed a protective sleeve of some sort. Then we realized that if you snip the end of a 5 1/4" floppy and rip out the magnetic part inside...instant CD sleeve! Best idea I ever had.

haha! I've been doing this for all of the releases of musical chairs (footer)! It's perfect. the lining built in is a wonderful touch. I've already got a 'kerbled' letter to go with it, too. more on that this week.

bellulah, just shoot me your address and I can mail you some for free. I've got a box of maybe 300 or so of them for the chairs releases, you're more than welcome to a few.

tip top,

kerble is right.

5.25" floppy disks

kerble wrote:
Mason wrote:They make new ones? Wow. Thought that shit was deader than eight-track.

I actually got a bunch free a while back. My band was doing a CD-R release and we were just using discs from a spindle, so we needed a protective sleeve of some sort. Then we realized that if you snip the end of a 5 1/4" floppy and rip out the magnetic part inside...instant CD sleeve! Best idea I ever had.

haha! I've been doing this for all of the releases of musical chairs (footer)! It's perfect. the lining built in is a wonderful touch. I've already got a 'kerbled' letter to go with it, too. more on that this week.

Enon once did this with an unofficial release they sold only at shows.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

5.25" floppy disks

yeah, I don't think anyone should buy these things, especially if it's just going to be used as packaging and not for data. there have to be many ways to get 'em for free.

that said, In conjunction, i think people should not burn audio discs onto cds anymore. Cd's are just the conduits between people and their ipods. they're just data discs. Instead of putting just an album on the disc, you could put lyrics, artwork, flyers, stencils, etc and include it in a handsome jacket.

the outer jacket on the floppy is great for keeping the cd in place when you cut a slit in the left hand side. so nice.

I've been keeping the flexi data disc with the packaging. it looks like a little LP! Did a one-off for some friends and used the flexi as part of the artwork, underneath a clear jewel case.

pics of that in a bit.

you could silkscreen album info on the 5.25" data disc and slip it between the disc and the cd.

so dope.

the best part is that it's something like .10 to make a cd that includes a durable customizable package.

why do we pay to manufacture cd's anymore?

so wasteful.

kerble is right.

5.25" floppy disks

Mason wrote:Well, our band didn't just use the floppy disks. Inside each 5 1/4" case, we tucked a folded 8 1/2x11 sheet of paper will all the credits, lyrics, artwork, etc. I'd never consider just selling somebody a shitty plain black case with a CD-R sandwiched in there.

exactly. there's so much space and raw material to actually make it look nice.
kerble is right.

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