Fuck this tomato recall. FUCK. IT.

1.) tomatoes DO taste like awsome. Particularly when you grab them off the vine, warm on the outside from the golden summer sun; cool and sweet on the inside from the alchemy that is the tomato.

2.) Tomatoes from any kind of fast-type food selling establishment are almost always going to be yucky. They're bred for shelf life, fercryin' out loud. Taste is secondary.

3.) It's summer in the US of A. Get you some farm stand love apples. They won't be subject to any factory farming recall, and are probably much less subject to the sort of factory farming practices that promote things like salmonella in the first place.

4.) I got some tomatoes from my local Amish purveyor over the weekend. Cut 'em into big slabs and top with a bit of real mayonase and drift off into gustatory heaven.

5.) you can make a bitchin' dill pickle out of green tomatoes...

Fuck this tomato recall. FUCK. IT.

I agree with most of your post, Doc, except for the fact that ketchup is for children.

Coincidentally, I ate at Erbert & Gerbert's today and forgot about the recall, and didn't even remember that my sandwich was supposed to have tomatoes on it until I read your rant.

Tomatoes are not crap. I work part-time in a pizza & hoagy shop and was surprised to show up to work the same day I'd eaten a tomato-less burrito at Chipotle that this was a nation-wide recall. It's slightly faster for me to make you a sandwich now, though.

Fuck this tomato recall. FUCK. IT.

Kayte R. wrote: Bring your own tomatoes to the subshop.

DJ this is your correct answer, and I suggest you do this in the sub shop right infont of the kid who is making your sub, I suggest you then fling this sub into your mouthhole and exclaim "I don't give no fucks 'bout no 'nilla" in a "I drink your milkshake" style...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

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