Fuck this tomato recall. FUCK. IT.

DrAwkward wrote:I'm pretty sure i can snicker at this joke for only a couple more years, because that ban is on its way to Milwaukee. It's only a matter of time.

The Tavern League of Wisconsin is powerful, and it killed the proposed Wisconsin smoking ban last year. Governor Doyle has adopted a maniacal, win-at-all-costs approach to getting a comprehensive smoking ban through the Wisconsin legislature, including (i) this pathetic stunt and (ii) referring to a Wisconsin that permits smoking as "the ashtray of the Midwest".

But he has meaningful opposition.

If Wisconsin does ban smoking, then I hope that it does so on a vote count other than the one in the Iowa Senate -- a 26-24 vote.

Oh yeah, the Iowa bill excluded the state-run casinos from the bill. And the state of Iowa will still take your cigarette tax money.

Man, you legislators got shit for brains. I'll be happy to dismantle any public official (and the self-appointed "Smoke-Free [YOUR STATE HERE]" fundamentalists) who want to debate smoking bans.

Anywhere. Anytime.

You will lose.

I'm pretty keenly focused on smoking bans because they represent a total bullshit solution to the real problem of tobacco abuse, and are therefore an almost perfect metaphor for the dim-witted solutions that our country generates to address complex social issues.

I also happen to have a strong dislike for people who tell other adults how to behave, pretty much.

Plus, I like to smoke cigarettes in bars where the owners choose to let me do so and my fellow patrons are there of their own free will.

One thing about the law making process -- it can be pretty easy to walk into a state building and pass legislation. I mean, I've done it. It was pretty easy. What I'm saying is that I drafted a bill, walked into a state legislature, explained it, and now it's a law. And nobody really questioned it all that hard. Wtf.

You people should be positively terrified of the operation of your governments.

Fuck this tomato recall. FUCK. IT.

Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:One thing about the law making process -- it can be pretty easy to walk into a state building and pass legislation. I mean, I've done it. It was pretty easy. What I'm saying is that I drafted a bill, walked into a state legislature, explained it, and now it's a law. And nobody really questioned it all that hard. Wtf.

Ok there is a story I want to hear...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Fuck this tomato recall. FUCK. IT.

zom-zom wrote:
unsaved wrote:Pfft. Minnesota, land of Scandinavian cooking where black pepper is a "cutting edge" spice.

Did you get hit in the head too? Have you ever been here? Try to find "Scandinavian" cooking.

Besides, Scandinavian cooking can be excellent. You're using stereotypes even older than me.

I really meant more in the home than in restaurants. I'm half Swedish, so I'm all too familiar with the "cuisine". Potato sausage, lutefisk, herring slathered with sour cream, "Bond-Ost" cheese blander than Kraft Singles--all inedible crap.

I can make killer thin pancakes, however.
Rick Reuben wrote:Edit those words out or I'm contacting a moderator.

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