Which do-nothing band do you prefer?

Total votes: 20 (45%)
Total votes: 24 (55%)
Total votes: 44

Either-Or: Low vs. Slint

Low. I like Spiderland alright, but I think it just hasn't completely clicked with me yet.

I hated Drums and Guns the first couple of times I heard it. I blame it mostly on hard panning and headphones. Chunklet posted the cake eating video and something snapped. Probably listened to that album more than any last year.

Either-Or: Low vs. Slint

although Low have probably never made a 'spiderland', they have made a LOT of great records and a LOT of great songs. 'murderer' was probably my favourite song of last year.

that said, they probably don't have a song quite as good as 'good morning captain'.

damn, it's really close but i'm going to have to go with Low.

ps: i'm going to watch the Low documentary here tonight.

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