Favorite Sendoff Albums

Fugazi, The Argument
Sleater-Kinney, The Woods
Black Flag, In My Head (though I know some will say they jumped the shark long before this, I love this album)
Nation of Ulysses, Plays Pretty For Baby
Pixies, Trompe Le Monde
The Rock*A*Teens, Sweet Bird of Youth
Jawbox, self-titled
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Favorite Sendoff Albums

Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:Unwound Leaves Turn Inside You

Seriously? Hate that record, wish they'd stopped after "Challenge".

in response, though...

Fugazi - The argument
Embrace - Embrace
Minor Threat - Salad Days EP
(doesn't it seem that Ian has a good feel for a groups shelf life?)
Sleep - Dopesmoker/Jerusalem
Crass - 10 Notes on a Summers Day

I know there's more, but that's a good start.

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