Perfect Track Records

Can anyone here think of some bands that have never released anything bad?

I'm listening to Circle X right now, and it has struck me that they've never released anything bad (at least to these ears - it's got to be 95-100%). Is there anyone here who can name me other bands that have a perfect-to-near-perfect discography?
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Perfect Track Records

I can think of many such bands, but these discographies that come to mind were often pretty limited in size.

When it comes to bands with enormous discographies, the question starts to hurt my brain. Did The Beatles release a 95% awesome and/or "near-perfect" discography? I can't really say. My could a-splode.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Perfect Track Records

Ace wrote:Can anyone here think of some bands that have never released anything bad?

I'm listening to Circle X right now, and it has struck me that they've never released anything bad (at least to these ears - it's got to be 95-100%). Is there anyone here who can name me other bands that have a perfect-to-near-perfect discography?

Innovative bands with relatively small discographies are always going to predominate. Scratch Acid, The Birthday Party, and Minor Threat all come to mind. So do The Beatles and Big Star. I don't have enough of the Cows' discography to say that it's perfect, but everything I've heard has been splendid. While he was alive, Hendrix never released a bad album. (I do, however, think Band of Gypsys - aside from "Machine Gun" - is overrated as hell.)

The Stooges have a near-perfect discography now. Sadly. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Perfect Track Records

Shellac. I think their's is a fair name to throw out there.

The Velvet Underground. Squeeze does not count.

Storm and Stress. They only had two albums, but whatever. Love them both.

13th Floor Elevators. Including Bull of the Woods, but not including the live albums their record companies put out.

All the Smog I've heard has been good, but I haven't heard quite all of it.

I wanna say Low, but somethings telling me no.
Last edited by llllllllllllllllllllllll_Archive on Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

Perfect Track Records

Nina Nastasia
Will Oldham

Maybe a few average moments here or there but ultimately everything they ever set to tape is worth hearing. I'm genuinely not being generous here, I will definitely argue the point in favour of any of the releases these artists have made. Try me!
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

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