Firefox + NES plugin = me getting fired

placeholder wrote:Scott! There is a new DS Castlevania game due out before the end of the year. It looks great and I'm excited about it!

Yes indeed. I was just at a shopping mall this past weekend, dropping some people off there. The only store I went into was the video game store, to ask if there was any word on a new Castlevania. With these last three GB games, it's become my favorite game franchise. I hope the next one is as good as the last few have been. If it's better, that'll be mind-blowing. Cause they've been damn good.
"The bastards have landed" - now has a couple songs from the new album

Firefox + NES plugin = me getting fired

scott wrote:I bought a USB adaptor for like $10 that allows me to plug one of my PS2 controllers into a PC. This was critical so I could play the best videogame ever, Raid On Bungeling Bay.

Emulators rule.

I have the same one for the NES controllers, the Retroport. Highly recommended... Actually I have the older version that is a NES controller modified with a USB adapter but this lets you use your own controllers.

The folks on my website have a bi-weekly NES points tournament. We pick a game and everyone who wants to can play and submit scores for two weeks. Post screenshots of your highest score and whoever started the thread creates a standings board on the first post. Highest score after two weeks (we started at a month, but people tended to lose interest) is the "winner" and gets to start the thread for the next challenge, including the poll for the 4-5 games that everyone votes on. Lots of fun, we have done it with Golf, Pinball, Bayou Billy, Paperboy, Hudsons Adventure Island, 1943 and are currently doing Back to the Future.

I would highly recommend someone who isn't me organize one for EA.

Firefox + NES plugin = me getting fired

The REALLY nifty thing you can do with emulators is putting them on other consoles.

The Dreamcast, for all its crappiness, had NO copy protection. You could burn copies of games and they would be 100% functional. Some genius figured out how to develop emulators of other consoles, burned them to discs, and voila - you could play any NES or Super NES game on your television via a Dreamcast.

You can do the same thing with a PSP. People have developed console emulators that you can load on to it via its USB port. The only problem is that Sony continually updates the firmware to make sure this isn't possible.


One of the ways in which emulation has surpassed owning the vintage consoles and games is rewrites of old games. Some programmers have hacked into games like Super Mario World and Super Metroid and with a complete overhaul of the level designs that is so professional it's like playing the game for the first time again.

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