
I got nothing. I need specific questions.

Oh, here's something. When the kid is old enough to take instruction? Be specific. Kids can find loopholes - hold on what the fuck is that on my leg. Shit ANOTHER ant - how much are we paying to get rid of these god damned things. It's been MONTHS now.
Mike G.


I want kids so bad but my girlfriend keeps taking these pills that kill the all microscopic babies in my semen.
I wouldn't worry about a thing. I've heard that being a dad somehow hard coded in our DNA and we naturally know what to do.
When I'm a Dad I'm totally going to wear black socks with sandals and Bermuda shorts.
You'll get used to the diaper thing soon enough too.


world of pee wrote:oh, i was already planning on changing diapers. i don't look forward to it, but jesus, dads who don't change diapers? what kind of treason is that? it's not like we have to go through labor or anything -- the least we can do is change diapers.

Try not to freak out too bad when your kid sharts all over your forearm while you're changing his or her diaper.

Trust me, it will happen at least once.


todd_v wrote:Congrats!

I wouldn't worry about a thing. I've heard that being a dad somehow hard coded in our DNA and we naturally know what to do.

Some things are hard coded, like love and protection etc. But others need to be learned. Don't be frightened to ask for help from folk you know who are doing a good job with their kids (but remember they are not all the same) and some stuff you can get out of books is actually useful. For sleeping routines Gina Ford's 'contented baby' book was helpful to us although we drew the line at leaving the babies to cry for prolonged periods.


world of pee wrote:dads who don't change diapers? what kind of treason is that?

I know. I couldn't believe it either, but they walk among us.

Oh, a few other thoughts: sometimes, the kid is going to scream and scream while you figure out what to do to get him or her calmed down; in those cases, shop-rated hearing protectors can be help you keep your cool.

If you have the baby during the week, you tend to get more competent care than you would if you had the baby during the weekend. There's not much you can do about that, but it's something to be aware of. |


Sincere congratulations!

I have a three year old girl and last month we had a boy. Though I've already been through newborn/infanthood I am surprised to find it just as (if not more) difficult this time.

First, I always try to ask people what they did rather than having them tell me what to do. Hearing the experience and not the advice is usually better.

I found it beneficial to watch the nurses handle the babies because they manhandle the little tykes, and yet the babies don't seem to mind/notice.

I was familiar with the risk of pee and pop from my daughter, but the new boy has made an art of peeing at the very last second before I fasten his diaper. It's funny, but only because it's cute.

My kids were both c-section and my wife's recovery was slow and painful. This meant (means) that night feedings, dog walking, grocery shopping, heavy lifting, etc. Were (are) solely my responsibilty. I hope you don't have to go through that, but if you do I hope you take care of your woman.

With both of our kids breastfeeding was damn near impossible so my wife pumped breastmilk and we supplemented with formula 1 out of 8 feedings or so. I try to use formula in the night feedings because it takes about 4 hours to digest, whereas breast milk takes about three. That extra hour of sleep is awesome.

If the lactation consultant recommends an herb called fenugreek I would proceed with caution. Not only did it NOT increase her milk, she had a seizure 4 weeks after our first was born. I'm not saying her seizure was directly caused by fenugreek, but she had never had one before and hasn't had one since. Formula is not a bad thing. In general I found the lactation consultants to be a nasty waste of time. YMMV.

I could go on and on, but the last thing I'll say for now is that I wish I had accepted more offers from friends wanting to bring dinner over. This time around it is proving to kick much ass.

Again, congratulations! I wish more able-bodied people would procreate.

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Colonel Panic wrote:Try not to freak out too bad when your kid sharts all over your forearm while you're changing his or her diaper.

Trust me, it will happen at least once.

My kid projectile sharted across the room once. Not a Michael Jordan sized room though, more like a jail cell.

World of Pee, I was fearful of the kid before he arrived. I thought my life would take a 180. It didn't, if anything I am a bit more accountable/responsible. Just be prepared for the time when your kid doesn't want to hold your hand and asks for moms instead. That shit is breaking my heart.

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