Little details from your day

Yesterday evening Five-Eight played an outdoor show for the Athens music weekend festival known as Athfest. As usual, with festivals, the promoters asked that we share a drum kit. As usual, it was a fairly nice kit (white pearl Drum Workshops kit in this case.) As usual, it has the worst heads on it imaginable.

An interesting wrinkle this time: there was no carpet on the riser. I spoke to the monitor engineer as we were preparing to play, and I said "Y'know, if you don't put some sandbags or something on that kick drum it's going to be in the front row by the third song, I guarantee you of that." He was a lovely guy, someone I have met a few times, and he immediately grabbed the two runners and said "Grab heavy stuff and bring it to me."

They put some sandbags down and the kick drum stayed in place perfectly. THE REST OF THE KIT, however, jitterbugged around the riser for the whole show. I was mostly hitting the drums as they went by. I also managed to do every drummer's favorite trick, which is that I caught my index finger between the stick and the rim of my snare drum. That's a fun one, having the one positive of producing LOTS of blood all at once, which makes the kids go a little wild if they notice.

Also, about three quarters of the way through the show, I noticed that my sunglasses were hanging from the collar of my t-shirt, where I had tucked them as I was sitting down at the kit and realizing just how fucked I was. I totally forgot they were there, and probably looked like some vacationing yuppie douchebag who was VERY ANGRY at some expensive drums... angry enough to beat them with sticks!

AH, the comedy and the tragedy, they are such good friends, yes?

I don't know why the promoters of shows think it will save time to use the same drum kit for every band. Most drummers end up subbing out their own snare, cymbals, bass drum pedal, throne (Hi, zom-zom), hi-hats, etc. It takes roughly the same amount of time to swap all that stuff... and then you have fun stuff like Mexican Jumping Drums to contend with.

Fuck it, let me use my Vistalites. Everyone will be happier.
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Little details from your day

I'm in this internet cafe right now and a couple of old broads were yacking away when one of them says, "Ah, he's just a rich Jew"... The proverbial pin drops and said broads get up and split. Quickly.

Oh yeah, and the gal who works here has one of Santana's newer albums on repeat. Holy sheet is it rank !
Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

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