Little details from your day

burun wrote:

My supermarket carries this!

I am SO HAPPY. I thought I would have to airlift some from Chi/Mke this summer.

I drive pass the brewery twice a day 5 days a week on my way to work, if you need some sent to you I can, they have a tart cherry soda that rules the school also...
Ty Webb wrote:
You need to stop pretending that this is some kind of philosophical choice not to procreate and just admit you don't wear pants to the dentist.

Little details from your day

johnnyshape wrote:I've flogged, charity-shopped, rationalised to digital media, and straight out binned hundreds of records and CDs in the last few years, and I've never regretted getting rid of any of them.

Amazing music new and old never stops appearing. You don't need to carry everything with you throughout your life.

That might be true. You don't need to carry everything with you. But so what? We aren't talking about shoes, or jackets. I mean, how much space does a CD take up? Once you've thrown away the stupid plastic box, placed the CD and booklet in a plastic sleeve, and filed it?

Records, of course, claim more space. But my record collection has gone through numerous purges. It's pretty much stripped down to the bone right now. There are many records I've sold for a dollar, or less, that I wish I still had. The first 8 or 9 Kinks albums. A Dead Kennedys bootleg. A Throbbing Gristle album. The first Nirvana single. Not because I liked it, but because I saw it sell on ebay a month ago for an amazing amount of money (which brings up the question, I suppose, of why save this stuff in the first place. Resale value? I would hope not. But when you see what some of this shit sells for, you can't help but kick yourself).
But my record collection grows at a snail's pace these days anyways.
Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced. T. Mckenna

Little details from your day

My very awesome girlfriend got back into town exactly one hour after I beat Metal Gear Solid 4. I'm glad I only had to miss her for an hour.

I made my mom chicken marsala and some excellent cappelini pommodoro for her birthday. She's been bumming all day that she is 48. I told her to think about how my dad feels who will be 50 in a week...then he bummed out. At least they ate well.

Little details from your day

Nina wrote:
SecondEdition wrote:I'm being forced to go through all my CD's and get rid of them. I know it had to be done someday - they're taking up huge amounts of space and there is no way I'm going to listen to some of them anytime soon

Who is forcing you to get rid of them?

Seriously, how much room can they possibly consume? Put them in paper sleeves or something. Hell, I'd almost get rid of a limb before I'd be forced to dispose of music, but that's just me.
It doesn't matter if you are going to listen to them sooner or later, the point is is that you have them to listen to whenever you want.

I would be pissed.

my mom is. I'm still living at home, the CD cases take up room, etc. Plus she thinks it's a gross display of wealth to have the CD cases cluttered up in one place (in this instance, a bed). I think that, to a degree, she's right - I'm certainly not going to listen to those Red Hot Silly Peppers and Alice in Chains albums I have ever again, and it is self-indulgent to have left CD cases on a bed for two years (go me) - and, to a degree, she just wants to exercise power over me, because she loves making everyone snap to attention. (I think it's obvious I need to stop living with my parents soon. We irritate each other a little. thankfully, I will stop living with them soon.) know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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