they have Bottle Openers for sale at the merch table.
(my Fiance's ex's Band. And they kick ass)
Sure signs a band will be awesome
12You know it's a good sign when their guitar player is one of those masters of poetic melancholy, able to construct majestic cathedrals of sound guitar dream to express love in its purest form.
Hmmm..I'm not so sure about that. The Cocteau Twins still blow.
Sure signs a band will be awesome
13When you can tell, right before the first note, that they're driven - that they mean it, whatever it might be.
I got that from Yow when I saw him, from the P-Funk All-Stars when I saw them, and from Easy Action when I saw them.
I got that from Yow when I saw him, from the P-Funk All-Stars when I saw them, and from Easy Action when I saw them. know it's got its ups and downs.
Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.
Sure signs a band will be awesome
14If the band has no interaction with the audience while setting up, and refers to the soundboard guy as "slave."
If the singer is shirtless before the first song, and is sweating profusely by the first uttered word. Also, if the singer has a habit for spilling his bandmates' drinks.
If the singer is shirtless before the first song, and is sweating profusely by the first uttered word. Also, if the singer has a habit for spilling his bandmates' drinks.
Sure signs a band will be awesome
15If the band's on stage, ready to play but they can't find the lead singer because he's in the men's room snorting crystal meth.
Sure signs a band will be awesome
16One of the band members being butt naked. I've never heard this happening and the show being bad.
Sure signs a band will be awesome
18I used to be in A band that would throw 200 rolls of toilet paper and hand out free White Castle hamburgers to the audience. When you see some dude carrying all this "gear" towards the stage, you knew that it was going to be awesome.
Sure signs a band will be awesome
19If the band isn't fat old guys dressed in tight girl pants.
Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Sure signs a band will be awesome
20If a band includes Matt Kadane.
If your band does not involve Matt Kadane, consider the very real possibility that your band sucks.
If your band does not involve Matt Kadane, consider the very real possibility that your band sucks.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.