
Total votes: 25 (42%)
not crap
Total votes: 34 (58%)
Total votes: 59

Band: Death From Above 1979

These guys will benefit from quickly going the way of the dodo. I think they may have had a record before their famous one (You're a Woman, I'm a Machine), but there was very little output from these dudes.

I wish I could have seen them play in a little room...but they bailed on a Madison gig due to illness.

When I did see them play live, I thought they were sloppy. It might have been because I saw them at the first Pitchfork/Intonation festival.

Heliotropic wrote:Vacuous, but still enjoyable.

This is pretty much all that needs to be said, but I'll say some more.

Their popular record was fun in a similar way to how Nevermind was fun. Slick, produced, rokken. I turned a lot of people onto it my freshman year of college (makes sense).

I haven't listened to this stuff in forever, but I think it'll have staying power as a one-shot pop/rock record. Had they come out with a few more records, there would have likely been more CRAP votes, but they burnt out and faded away. You're a Woman, I'm a Machine will be some kid's diamond in the rough record in 2021 or so (if we get that far).

It's like The Jesus and Mary Chain without all the records that you don't want to listen to. DFA1979 gave us their cotton candy version of Psychocandy and bailed.

NOT CRAP, WF 8 for the live show I saw.

Posting to Electrical on a Saturday night. I gotta get outta this room.
kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Band: Death From Above 1979

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:Are you kidding? Crap.

No, I'm not kidding. What is it about them that has earned such contempt on the EA front?

I can see people finding them "not my thing," "not very good," etc. But "horrible" and "awful"?

My guess is that it has to do with extra-musical factors. Like the existence of a certain other bass/drums duo. Or the perceived overdone-ness and/or novelty of the duo format in general in light of the oceans of duo bands that have been popping up all over in the last 10 years.

But shoving all that aside and listening what they play, I don't see why so many people would find them so terrible.

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