The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

I apologize if this has already been said, but i think it's important that people ask themselves this:
Did the 'official video' that the Pentagon, et. al. (finally) released to debunk/disprove the conflicting theories convince you of anything? If so what? There isn't anything about that video that supports their claim. Not a thing definitve is proven by what they chose to offer as 'evidence' to discredit claims to the contrary. (Their hope: "oh they addressed it, i guess it see it now"). If you accept that the video hardly provides conclusive proof, then you have to ask, why doesn't it? It seems logical (even for the Pentagon) that they would want to release the visual evidence that most strongly supports their explanation, and there is no way that what they released is in the least bit convincing regarding their explanation. Quite the contrary, in fact.
D. Perino deduced: "The Cuban Missile Crisis?...“It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.”

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

"When we reached the 6th floor the landing that we were standing on gave way, there was an explosion and the landing gave way, I was left there hanging, I had to climb back up and walk back up to the 8th floor," said Jennings.

So this guy was hanging by a pole. He looks like he's 300+ lbs.

Do an experiment for me. Try hanging by a pole with one hand for more than two or three seconds. You can't. It's fucking impossible. This fat fuck, with the bullshit title of "Emergency Coordinator"???, is not supporting his own body weight under any circumstances. He certainly isn't "climbing back up". This guy sits in an office all day, eating donuts, and he gets to WTC7 to, you know, coordinate the emergency and stuff, and all of a sudden he's Indiana Jones hanging between floors.

Now with that theory debunked, I'm off to solve the mystery of that host guy's personality, which has inexplicably disappeared in the wake of 9-11, along with his front tooth.

How old is this host guy? If he's twenty-three, he was 16 when 9-11 happened? Fuck him and his tracksuit.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Rick Reuben wrote:
Dr. Venkman wrote:So this guy was hanging by a pole. He looks like he's 300+ lbs.

300+ lbs of eyewitness that you can't cope with, shill. The fact that you can only talk about the guy's weight speaks volumes about how little confidence you have in the official myth of WTC7.

No. I'm saying if one part of his story is complete bullshit, and it is, what else is untrue?

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

What I don't get is why the news media would be given scripts to read when THERE ARE BIG FUCKING BUILDINGS FALLING INTO DIRT, nor why 'they' would rig up some auxiliary building with explosives. People can die of smoke inhalation. It has happened. Steel can be reduced in strength by heat. It has happened. News reporters have got passed on information confused. It has happened. And speaking of which, what does everyone expect a steel beam breaking to sound like? Anything but an explosion I suppose. Once I see one piece of evidence that something's fishy, I'll pay attention, but for me, the story fits.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Rick Reuben wrote:
Dr. Venkman wrote:No. I'm saying if one part of his story is complete bullshit, and it is, what else is untrue?
Jennings was not holding his entire body weight from a pole over an open pit. If a landing gives way, that doesn't mean that it disappeared. BTW, if you are claiming that an entire landing did blow to bits under Jenning's feet, then how are you choosing to explain that? Why are parts of WTC7 blowing up before either tower was imploded?

Uh...I'm certainly not claiming that at all. I am proposing that the entire story is bullshit. I do not choose to explain something that did not take place. That's your "job".

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Rick Reuben wrote: Dude, fires burn in steel frame buildings all the time.

Every day. For realz, dude.

Name a steel skyscraper that fell at free fall speed after limited short duration fires, other than the three alleged to have collapsed on 9/11.

Name another skyscraper hit by a jet-liner in a head-on collision.
Rick Reuben wrote:I was reading the Electrical Forum in my parents' basement when ...


The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Rick Reuben wrote:Why did Giuilani and staff abandon the special emergency command center that they had built in WTC7, before any other buildings were demolished on 9/11

Umm, do you mean he lived in the emergency command center, or was there before the planes hit? That doesn't make any sense, as there wasn't an emergency then, that I know of. Or do you mean that he didn't go there for some spooky reason? Perhaps EVERYTHING WAS ON FIRE. I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere in the radius of the twin towers after those planes hit them. Would you have wanted to be nearby?

The 9-11 Cover Up Ends: July 9, 2008

Rick Reuben wrote:You and the hardcore 9/11 nuts...

Wow. I've been called a lot of things, but this one made me laugh out loud.

You need it to be true so badly that you'll swallow any and all of it wholesale.

I thought your text was compelling. I clicked the link in anticipation of something earth-shattering. I watched it with an open mind. I honestly did.

It's horseshit.

offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

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