new don cab: crap/not crap

Total votes: 3 (25%)
not crap!
Total votes: 6 (50%)
i didnt like don cab to begin with.
Total votes: 3 (25%)
Total votes: 12

band: new don cab

reluctantly, not crap. saw them about a month ago here in atlanta, and i was impressed with the new stuff and the surgical precision applied to re-creating the old stuff. disappointed in the lack of songs played from 'II'.

but then again, i never saw the original don cab, so i might just be talking out of my ass.


band: new don cab


an insult to the original don cab (who i saw with all of the different lineups, i think). not even just worse, but really an insult. why not just call the band something else?!

they played stuff from each album except for II

most of the songs were botched, some embarrassingly. even when they weren't botched, it still sounded stiff and lame. the original don cab wasn't a particularly 'precise' band but they always, always rocked and thats what made them so amazing.

i thought the new songs sounded like boring don cab approximations, lacking any of the originality of the original. obviously if you try and approximate something original, even successfully, its not going to be original anymore.

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