Rudimentary Peni - A Band of Mystery

D'Piucchstre wrote:One of the reasons why they've not toured extensively, is that the singer, Nick Blinko was diagnosed with Schizoaffective Disorder in the early 80's, and often doesn't take his antipsychotic medication to further his artwork. --This is not conducive to touring because of the fact that he could severely flip out while off his medication.

Rudimentary Peni - A Band of Mystery

Here's a few of my thoughts about or relating to Rudimentary Peni

*I'm a big fan, great band.

*I really wish I had a copy of Pope Adrian 37th on vinyl. I've heard that there are a few copies floating around, test pressings or something.

*The new album is a pretty big letdown. Echoes of Anguish is the last album I can get into.

*Is it common knowledge that they sped up their first few albums?

Rudimentary Peni - A Band of Mystery

Colonel Panic wrote:I have often heard RP categorized as "crust-core". Regardless, I like their sound and have a bunch of their stuff on mp3's.

"Crust-core" might be the worst description I have ever heard for RP. They have a crust-punk aesthetic, but you can hear elements of everything from doom metal and psych rock to noise and goth-rock (the good bauhaus kind) in their stuff. All over the map musically. Especially for a punk band.

I fucking love this band.
(Winters In Osaka)

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