Misheard Lyrics

I have another Shellac one. I heard the song "QRJ" before I knew what the title of it was, and at the end of the song when you hear the voice over the wailing radio sounds saying "QRJ, QRJ" I thought he was saying, "You are gay, you are gay."

I don't know what the origination of the "QRJ" title is - other than the voice saying it - but I prefer to ignore reality and believe in my version instead.

Misheard Lyrics

tommydski wrote:I'm infuriated when I find out a lyric which I think is really clever and incisive turns out to be misheard.
I misheard the Silkworm song 'Tonight We're Meat' thus -

I'm the local joke,
I'm a tram,
I think that everyone has ridden my rail.

I find from the Sikworm site that it's actually -

I'm the local joke,
I'm a tramp,
I think that everyone has ridden my ramp.

The latter scans a lot better but I still prefer my version for some reason. Also, I guess I don't really understand why a tramp has a ramp, whereas I know why a tram has a rail. I assume it's a reference to paranoia and envy either way but I still sing it my way out of habit. I am sorry Senor Midgett. I am sorry I must bastardise your lovely song.

No, I think you're improving it. This has happened to me several times--people making my lyrics better by mishearing them.

Retarded Angel...not so much....

Good one from today. I was irritating my wife by singing Tempted by Squeeze, thusly:

Tempted [long pause] by the fruit [long pause] of anothuuuuuuh
Temp-TED [long pause] by the fruit of anothuuuuuuuuh
Tempted but the trooof is dis [pause] coverrrrrrrrrred.

In sort of a dimwitted voice.

Which my wife heard as:

Tempted by the fruit of another
Tempted but the fruit is discolored

Oh, I laughed and laughed. I am laughing right now, in fact.

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