
Total votes: 5 (9%)
not crap
Total votes: 49 (91%)
Total votes: 54

Cuisine: sushi

It's the one style of cuisine that I can totally gourge myself on and not feel completely gross afterwards. Sushi is one of my favorite types of foods, but can get a little pricey. If you order the vegie stuff, you can keep the price down some. Sweet potatoes can make for a delicious roll too!

Cuisine: sushi

when i was a kid (probably around 5yrs old) my parents tought me how to get the 'pippies' (tiny little mollusk things) from the rocks at the beach near melbourne. that's obviously where i got a taste for seafood. when i was 10 we moved to north-west australia (about 1000km from the nearest city), and we used to go and eat the oysters fresh from the rocks. beautiful.

that particular town was also a fishing and fruit-growing town, so we used to get given fresh mackerel and coral trout and schnapper and mangos and bananas and star fruit and blah blah blah. not a bad place to live, as a kid.

Cuisine: sushi

Sushis is my shit man !

it took me a year to cook them properly but now, i'm quite good at it.
i got the whole stuff, from the rice cooker, to japanese knife and sushi maker.

Sushi are cheap (when you make them) and that's healthy food.

i make some twice a week.

Cuisine: sushi

mr.arrison wrote:Anyone had Uni Sushi?

That's the only Sushi I cannot stand.

. . . fresh this stuff is pretty good, you pick up a sea urchin, crack it open, and eat the undulating sea booger inside on bread, then wash it down with a small shot of hard liquor.

at first glance I thought the name of this thread was Cocaine:Sushi

and I thought what a weird fucking name for a band

Cuisine: sushi

mr.arrison wrote:Anyone had Uni Sushi?

It's Raw Starfish or Sea Urchin Gonads.

It tastes like rancid Peanut Butter mixed with Formaldehyde, served on rice, wrapped in seaweed. It's fucking awful.


That's the only Sushi I cannot stand.
Yes. I love it. It's like candy from the sea.

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