Little details from your day

Started my day by trying to explain to a graphic artist that the reason she couldn't click on a piece of artwork on a template we designed was because it was on a master page. She had never heard of a master page.

We had had this same conversation 6 months ago.

She sounded old. And smokey. Like Brenda Vaccaro.

On a tangential note, I was in the Apple Store t'other day and caught many snippets of conversations the gists of which were that you really ought to be using a Mac if you want to be creative and designy but can't write code, don't know dos, can't take a computer apart and put it back together, don't want to constantly re-install the OS. Photoshop, my god, I guess technically it RUNS on a PC, but really why would you want to do THAT?
Mike G.

Little details from your day

johnnyshape wrote:
Cranius wrote:I know someone that once ate some pharonic bread (c.2000BC) that was being stored in the British Museum.

They were fine.

"The oldest datable wine has been an amphora salvaged and drank by Captain Jacques Cousteau from the wreck of a Greek trader sunk in the Mediterranean circa 230 B.C. Wine jars recovered from the Pompeii eruption of A.D. 79 were found labeled VESUVINUM - the oldest known trade mark."

Leave it to a Fronch guy.

Did he like it?

Cranius, that bread thing blew my mind. WHY did he eat that? Was it some kind of prop bet?
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Little details from your day

Cranius wrote:I know someone that once ate some pharonic bread (c.2000BC) that was being stored in the British Museum.

They were fine.
That's really something else. Anthony Bourdain ain't got nothing on your boy.

Fuck, pharonic bread. Christ, people just figured out bread. "Hey, check this thing out I made. I think people could really dig it, dude. Might catch on or something."

My mom moved two jars of mustard into four different refrigerators over a 22 year time frame.

Little details from your day

Yesterday, I went to the beach with my friend and his two year old kid, nicknamed Duke, because his middle name is Ellington.

We dug a big hole, found five crabs, which Ellington named 'Crabby' 1-5, he had a ride on a little pony and ate more strawberries than I thought was possible. There was a big amphibious boat, and every time it came out on to the land, this kid would admonish it, laughing and saying 'Naught boat!'. Seriously, he was bright as hell. So funny.

On the train home, we made lots of drawings of the things we'd seen.

In the evening, I went and had amazing Chinese food at a tiny restaurant I'd never noticed before, despite walking past it many, many times. Fried chili squid! Shredded seaweed and beef! Seabass!

It was possibly the best meal I've ever eaten, and a beautiful end to one of the most pleasant days I've had in a long, long time.

Little details from your day

houseboat wrote:Yesterday, I went to the beach with my friend and his two year old kid, nicknamed Duke, because his middle name is Ellington.

We dug a big hole, found five crabs, which Ellington named 'Crabby' 1-5, he had a ride on a little pony and ate more strawberries than I thought was possible. There was a big amphibious boat, and every time it came out on to the land, this kid would admonish it, laughing and saying 'Naught boat!'. Seriously, he was bright as hell. So funny.

On the train home, we made lots of drawings of the things we'd seen.

In the evening, I went and had amazing Chinese food at a tiny restaurant I'd never noticed before, despite walking past it many, many times. Fried chili squid! Shredded seaweed and beef! Seabass!

It was possibly the best meal I've ever eaten, and a beautiful end to one of the most pleasant days I've had in a long, long time.

This sounds absolutely incredible. The best part of summertime and hanging with friends.

I would love to hear more stories like this because I am two weeks and five days away from having this cast taken off my leg. I have to live vicariously through other folks because I'm not leaving the house much as it's a real drag getting around right now.

Little details from your day

I (trying to politely, yet firmly, tell someone to FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE) wrote:Job seems to abend intermittently, a handful of times per year...

Searching the Problem GEMS for 'QTAD08' yields the following occurrences:

- 06/15/08
- 03/19/08
- 03/02/08
- 01/29/08
- 09/09/07
- 01/05/07
- 10/04/06
- 10/01/06
- 09/24/06
- 08/01/06
- 07/24/06

For a total of 11 abends in the past 3 years.

This is a daily job (runs 6 days out of 7 every week) and the identical
QTAW08 job runs the other 1 day of the week and has no abends
attributed to it in GEM.

From 07/24/06 to today's date then is a difference of 701 days. Using
that figure and 11 abends we can say that this process has a success
rate of at least 98.4%.

Even for the remaining 1.6% of the time, the job abend has never been
a show-stopper because it always runs to successful completion when

The fact that the job fails, but immediately succeeds when restarted
does not leave us anything tangible to go by for troubleshooting.

We have more than enough other stuff that breaks down and has to be
hand-held *ALL THE TIME* (I'm looking at you, FoxPro!!!)

In addition, we have pages upon pages of IT requests from users,
many of which, even though they would truly be a benefit, we might
just never reasonably get time to develop and implement...

As infrequently as this problem occurs, and as low as the impact is,
and given all other recent factors, there is NO WAY that I can justify
sinking time into the troubleshooting of this particular issue.
My mind, it's a terrible diskette.

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